Design and Implementation of In-Vehicle Alcohol Detection and Speed Control System
This study presented an effective method for reducing the rise in the number of road accidents instigated by drivers' excessive alcohol consumption on Nigerian roadways. Although speed restrictions and other preventative measures have been introduced, traffic accidents continue to occur daily. Over speeding, rash driving and drunk driving are all major contributors to motor vehicle accidents. To introduce this concept, this study has built an IOT-based in-vehicle alcohol detection and speed control system using the Arduino Nano microcontroller connected to the alcohol sensor, LCD display, and DC motor with the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Application and Blynk Cloud Server for remote control and monitoring. This system uses the MQ-3 sensor to continuously monitor the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and detect the presence of alcohol during breathing. This system can continuously monitor the alcohol content of the driver's breathing by installing a sensor in the steering wheel. This device was capable of detecting excessive speed and was programmed to alert with an SMS. After testing, it was determined that the suggested system met the standards for starting a car's engine. If the driver's breath alcohol level is discovered to be greater than the prescribed level (BAC) of 0.5 mg/mL, relevant individuals and authorities will be notified through GSM. The experimental results indicate that the alcohol sensor can respond rapidly when alcohol is detected and also operate for an extended period.
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