Ontiri, Geoffrey K., and Lilian L. Amuhaya. 2022. “Integration of Mechatronic and Automation Technology in Sustainable Farming for Achieving Food Security in Kenya”. European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 (1):66-71. https://doi.org/10.24018/ejece.2022.6.1.413.

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        <full_title>European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science</full_title>
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          <title>Impact of Network Reconfiguration: Case Study of Port-Harcourt Town 132/33kV Sub-transmission Substation and Its 33/11kV Injection Substation Distribution Networks</title>
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            <given_name>Chinweike Innocent</given_name>
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            <given_name>Tekena Kashmony</given_name>
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            <given_name>Anthony O.</given_name>
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          <jats:p>This paper examined the power flow status of the Port Harcourt Town (Zone 4) distribution networks to improve the performance. The network consists of 18 injection substations fed from 4 different sizes of transformers with a total power rating of 165 MVA, 132/33kV at the Port Harcourt Town sub-transmission substation. Gauss-seidel power flow algorithm was used to analyse the network in Electrical Transient Analyzer Program software (ETAP 12.6) to determine the various bus operating voltages, power flow, and over or under-loaded Transformers’ units. From the base-case simulation results obtained, it shows that these injection distribution transformers (PH Town 106.3%, RSU 90.5%, Marine Base 86.5%, UTC 87.9%, Nzimiro 89.5%, and Borokiri 88.7%) were overloaded on the network and the operating voltages observed for (PH Town 95.1%, RSU 83.0%, Marine Base 83.4%, UTC 82.8%, Nzimiro 85.2%, and Borokiri 82.1%) indicates low voltage profile. However, using network reconfiguration technique as proposed in this paper; there was reduction in the percentage loading of the said Transformers as it was upgraded to affect positively on its lifespan with (PH Town 44.1%, RSU 65.3%, Marine Base 60.7%, UTC 47.3%, Nzimiro 61.3%, and Borokiri 52.0%) loading,  and the bus voltage profiles was improved for (PH Town 100%, RSU 98.4%, Marine Base 98.8%, UTC 98.2%, Nzimiro 98.6%, and Borokiri 99.1%) with additional facilities. It is recommended that the power infrastructure facilities in Port Harcourt Town distribution network be immediately upgraded to reduce losses and improve the electricity supply to consumers. Also, in regard to these analyses, the sub-transmission substation requires 240 MW of power for effective power delivery.</jats:p>
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